5 Week Winter Session Rider Registration Is Now Open
5 Week Winter Session Rider Registration Is Now Open
The Therapeutic Equestrian Center (TEC) is now accepting rider applications for the Winter Session starting the week of February 16, 2015 for their Therapeutic Horseback Riding. TEC serves a variety of individuals, ages 3 and up, with special needs, for example, those with ADD/ADHD, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, and Learning and Emotional Disabilities. Riders often experience increased strength, coordination, improved academic achievement and emotional well being.
The Winter Session includes:
5 weeks of riding
Lessons in an indoor/outdoor arena
Lessons taught by a PATH Intl. Certified Instructor
Horse that are carefully selected
Trained volunteers
Lessons are $25 per week and tuition assistance is available for riders with a financial need. Riders must complete a Rider Application and provide a current physical before riding. TEC is located at Stockbridge Equestrian Center, 615 N. M-140 in Watervliet, MI.
Our riders make improvements:
81% of the riders in Therapeutic Riding showed progress as indicated by the Rider Progress Summary Form.
98% of the Saddle STARS students showed improvement.
For Rider and Volunteer Forms, current Volunteer Trainings or more information visit TEC online at http://www.tecfarm.org/ or contact TEC by email at info@tecfarm.org or by phone at 269-429-0671.
The Therapeutic Equestrian Center (TEC) is a non-profit 501(c)3 that was founded in 2005. TEC provides year-round therapeutic horseback riding as well as other equine assisted activities to individuals with special needs. TEC collaborates with Blossomland Learning Center, a local school, to provide Saddle STARS, a school based program using horses as a theme. These programs are possible because of TEC’s team of volunteers.